My Projects in

Gender & Women’s Studies

Gender & Women’s Studies
GIRLS Inspire: Preventing Child, Early and Forced Marriage (CEFM) through Open, Distance and Technology-Based Education

Commonwealth of Learning, 2019

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Commonwealth Studies, Education
The State of Open Universities in the Commonwealth: A Perspective on Performance, Competition and Innovation

Richard Garrett
Commonwealth of Learning, 2016

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China Studies, Political Science
China’s Evolving Motivations and Goals in UN Peacekeeping Participation

Songying Fang, Xiaojun Li, and Fanglu Sun
International Journal: Canada’s Journal of Global Policy Analysis, 2018

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Tranquil Prisons: Chemical Incarceration Under Community Treatment Orders

Erick Fabris, 2011

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History, Literature
The Professional Literary Agent in Britain, 1880-1920

Mary Ann Gillies

University of Toronto Press, 2007

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Editorial Excellence Since 1997