My Projects in

Classical & Near Eastern Studies

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China Studies
Chinese Public Opinion about US–China Relations from Trump to Biden

Adam Yao Liu
Chinese Journal of International Politics, Spring 2022

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Machine Learning for Everyone

Abdullah Mohd Zin & Zulkifli Mansor

Commonwealth of Learning, 2023

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Bridging Regional Trade Agreements in the Americas

Antoni Estevadeordal and Kati Suominen
Inter-American Development Bank, 2009

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History, Political Science
Token Forces: How Tiny Troop Deployments Became Ubiquitous in UN Peacekeeping

Katharina P. Coleman and Xiaojun Li

Cambridge University Press, 2022

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African Studies
Postcolonial Counterpoint: Orientalism, France, and the Maghreb

Farid Laroussi
University of Toronto Press, 2016

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