My Projects in


Civil Registration and Identification Glossary

Mia Elisabeth Harbitz and Juan Carlos Benítez Molina

Inter-American Development Bank, 2010

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Shaping the Future of the Asia-Latin America and the Caribbean Relationship

Theodore Kahn et al.
Inter-American Development Bank, 2012

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Building Markets within Authoritarian Institutions: The Political Economy of Banking Development in China

Adam Liu
Stanford University, 2020

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Economics, Political Science
To Join or Not to Join? State Ownership, Commercial Interests, and China’s Belt and Road Initiative

Xiaojun Li and Ka Zeng
Pacific Affairs, 2019

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Methodological Guide: Emerging and Sustainable Cities Initiative, 2nd edition

Inter-American Development Bank, 2014

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Rockets and Feathers: Understanding Asymmetric Pricing

Mariano Tappata
The RAND Journal of Economics, 2009

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More Projects

Biological Sciences & Engineering, Science & Technology
Three Dimensional Biocarbon Framework Coupled with Uniform Distributed FeSe Nanoparticles Derived from Pollen as Bifunctional Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Electrode Reactions

Guanghua Wang et al.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, September 2018

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History, Travel
Full Moon Over Noah’s Ark: An Odyssey to Mount Ararat and Beyond

Rick Antonson, 2016

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Editorial Excellence Since 1997